"you think All Raffles are a Gamble? Think Again!"
"The End of a Long Summer" - framed oil painting on canvas. Value £2,500
"Challenge your expectations with a raffle that offers a surefire win - every time!
Welcome to an Art Raffle Revolution where every ticket is a doorway to certain victory! No more leaving things to chance—our unique raffle design ensures that every participant comes out ahead. Whether you snag the grand prize or not, you're guaranteed to receive a value double your ticket price!
Yes you read that correctly - there is no catch!
Can you imagine a raffle where the odds always favor you? Each ticket you purchase doesn't just give you a shot at an incredible prize, such as these FABULOUS ORIGINAL PAINTINGS by Cornish Artist Steve Slimm, but an assured bonus that doubles your investment.
"The End of a Long Summer" - framed oil painting on canvas. Value £2,500
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Cornish Artist :
Steve Slimm