Transcendence 2021

A Nail In The Coffin
A Nail In The CoffinIf you think sadness is a sentiment,Think again.Sadness can beThe fullness of the void,The totality of existence – While it lasts.If you think sadness is grief,Think...
A Nail In The Coffin
A Nail In The CoffinIf you think sadness is a sentiment,Think again.Sadness can beThe fullness of the void,The totality of existence – While it lasts.If you think sadness is grief,Think...

New Heart Horizons
New Heart HorizonsIt’s not all about you Steve!What?Where did that come from?Over here, over here,Follow the eyes across the room!Next morning at breakfast,She’s stood behind my chair,Chatting.I lean backward cautiously,Toward...
New Heart Horizons
New Heart HorizonsIt’s not all about you Steve!What?Where did that come from?Over here, over here,Follow the eyes across the room!Next morning at breakfast,She’s stood behind my chair,Chatting.I lean backward cautiously,Toward...

Between Nothingness and Eternity
Between Nothingness and EternityWherever Love is for me,That’s where I am -Aching across the millennia,Between nothingness and eternity;Ploughing the time-worn foldsFrom dream to dream.“Hold nothing back - No small part...
Between Nothingness and Eternity
Between Nothingness and EternityWherever Love is for me,That’s where I am -Aching across the millennia,Between nothingness and eternity;Ploughing the time-worn foldsFrom dream to dream.“Hold nothing back - No small part...