Between Nothingness and Eternity
Wherever Love is for me,
That’s where I am -
Aching across the millennia,
Between nothingness and eternity;
Ploughing the time-worn folds
From dream to dream.
“Hold nothing back -
No small part of thyself”,
I recall the ancient monition;
“Sanction no need
For any safe credo,
Which thou mightest cling to.”
- - - - - - - - - - - -
There is a river
That flows through Time,
Onto the banks of which are tossed
The living souls of the dead.
My task has always been to give heart
To any who may seek oblivion.
Today is no exception:
So, take good heart my friends –
From the dark chains of oppression,
Deliverance is well-nigh;
For the battle is already fought and won -
At the dawn of a sane New World.
Steve Slimm