Woodland Dance - Original Oil Painting by Steve Slimm
Woodland Dance - Original Oil Painting by Steve Slimm
The softness of this piece belies the intricacies of detail when looked at more closely. It feels old, and in fact it has been in gestation for at least half a decade in my studio!
This is an original landscape expressionist oil painting on panel (2024). (Size approx: 23cm x 32cm. Framed size: approx 37cm x 46cm) - sold framed in authentic hand-painted wood. Can be rempinted off-white if preferred, but I really like the darker presentation myself!
The painting will need to be framed - please allow at least 3 weeks.
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Some paintings are sold framed. If unframed, we are happy to frame any painting for you at cost price.
Please purchase the painting first and then we can work out framing options together. Thanks.
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